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时间:2024-04-30 14:54:51
1、看清这个世界,然后,爱它。 See the world and love it. 2、我只是爱你,没说非要在一起。 I just love you. I didn't say I had to be together. 3、睡自己的觉,让别人上课去吧! Sleep on your own and let others go to class! 4、从青春到苍老,我会一直爱你! From youth to old age, I will always love you! 5、我好想你,小小脑力,不成敬意。 I miss you so much, little brain, no respect. 6、忘记你我做不到,不管天涯海角。 Forget you and I can't do it, no matter the end of the world. 7、失去比拥有更让人踏实。 Losing is more steadfast than owning. 8、停下脚步,看那唯美风景。 Stop and look at the beautiful scenery. 9、情书再不朽,也磨成沙漏。 No matter how immortal a love letter is, it becomes an hourglass. 10、我的爱一生一次,一次一生! My love once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime! 11、我不但手气好,脚气也不错。 Not only do I have good luck, but also my feet. 12、你的眼泪,温暖了我冰冷的心! Your tears warm my cold heart! 13、身上伤痕多了,也就无所谓了! It doesn't matter if you have many scars! 14、胆大走遍天下,胆小寸步难行。 Dare to go around the world, timidity is hard to do. 15、你释怀了一切,那么现在该我了。 You let go of everything. Now it's my turn. 16、烟不乖,所以我们抽烟。 Smoking is not good, so we smoke. 17、好想去见你,然后拥抱你。 I want to see you and hug you. 18、我嗑的不是瓜子,是寂寞。 I'm not eating melon seeds, it's loneliness. 19、长的是苦难,短的是人生。 The long is suffering, the short is life. 20、人生,反反复复,自欺欺人。 Life, over and over again, self deception. 21、曾经雪里的片段,再次回眸。 Once in the snow fragments, look back again. 22、我想在你身边不管有没有明天。 I want to be by your side whether there is tomorrow or not. 23、为什么每一次等来的都是失望。 Why are you disappointed every time you wait. 24、浪花向前铺进,埋葬剩下的狼藉。 The waves spread forward, burying the rest of the mess. 25、爱清风和烈酒,还有孤独的自由。 Love the breeze and the wine, and the freedom of loneliness. 26、你让我相信灵魂伴侣。 You make me believe in soul mates. 27、如果不坚强,懦弱给谁看。 If not strong, cowardly to whom to see. 28、好坏都忍住,也算是进步。 Good or bad, it's progress. 29、秘密不能说,委屈更不能说。 A secret cannot be said, let alone wronged. 30、我爱他,我瞒着所有人爱他。 I love him. I love him without telling anyone. 31、青春太美好,怎么过都是浪费。 Youth is too beautiful, how to live is a waste. 32、我就是喜欢你,没有别的意思。 I just like you, nothing else. 33、只在你孤身一人时才敢靠近你。 Dare to approach you only when you are alone. 34、明人不说暗话,有空快来找我啊。 Come to me when you are free. 35、原来、我的烂鞋被拿去做胶囊了? So, my rotten shoes have been taken as capsules? 36、你是我不能涉及的梦。 You are a dream I can't relate to. 37、小猫在午睡,地球在转圈。 The kitten is taking a nap and the earth is turning. 38、快乐是爱自己的一种表现。 Happiness is an expression of love. 39、一次遇到你,一次走到底。 Meet you once, walk to the end once. 40、我没哭,只是眼泪流下来了。 I didn't cry, just tears. 41、如果可以,有你就是一辈子。 If you can, have you is a lifetime. 42、能得姑娘收留一晚,感激不尽。 Thank you so much for your stay. 43、变好和等你,我一生都在进取。 Become better and wait for you, I have been enterprising all my life. 44、已没有泪可落,学会了品尝孤独。 No tears to fall, learn to taste loneliness. 45、若爱,时间和距离,都不是阻碍。 If love, time and distance are not obstacles. 46、这辈子,你是我的很好! You are the only one in my life! 47、一着被蛇咬,三年怕井绳。 Once bitten by a snake, he is afraid of the well line for three years. 48、有多大的脚,穿多大的鞋。 What size of feet, what size of shoes to wear. 49、再大的伤痛,都能被爱抚平。 No matter how big the pain is, it can be cured by love. 50、你已经成功引起了我的注意。 You have succeeded in drawing my attention. 51、患难朋友义厚,患难夫妻情厚。 A friend in need has thick righteousness, and a husband and wife in need have thick affection. 52、海边的烟火,绚烂着我的寂寞。 Fireworks by the sea, gorgeous my loneliness. 53、海底月捞不起,心上人不可及。 The moon on the bottom of the sea cannot be fished, and the sweetheart cannot be reached. 54、人生如戏世事无常,请玩个尽兴。 Life is like a play. Please have a good time. 55、曾经相濡以沫,却又不能再一起。 We used to be together, but we couldn't be together again. 56、结发为夫妻,恩爱两不疑。 As husband and wife, love is no doubt. 57、我用向阳花,去诠释阳光。 I use sunflowers to interpret sunshine. 58、缺水,渴死;贪多,淹死。 Lack of water, thirst to death; gluttony, drown. 59、劝自己要放手闭上眼让你走。 Advise yourself to let go and close your eyes to let you go. 60、你快回来,我一人忽悠不来。 Come back soon. I can't come alone.




武汉癫痫病哪家好 ?

